

加拿大热线: 905-604-7633   中国免费热线: 950-405-55808






  • 2020/2/8 7:36
  • 留学霸
  • 浏览:1053

加拿大总理特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)指派给新上任的IRCC移民部长Marco Mendicino的首要任务包括管理超过100万新移民及创建新的市政提名计划等。


  • 确保有效实施加拿大2020-2022年年度移民计划,在此期间吸引超过一百万的加拿大永久居民。这将继续推动加拿大对移民的适度和负责任的增加,重点是欢迎能够帮助建立更强大加拿大的高技能人才。

  • (原文)Ensure the effective implementation of Canada’s increased annual Immigration Levels Plan for 2020-2022, attracting more than a million new permanent residents to Canada over that time. This continues our modest and responsible increases to immigration, with a focus on welcoming highly skilled people who can help build a stronger Canada.


  • 与各省和地区合作,以确保重新将重点放在提供高质素的定居服务上,以确保新移民成功定居和融合。

  • (原文)Work with the provinces and territories to ensure a renewed focus on the delivery of high-quality settlement services to ensure the successful settlement and integration of new Canadians.


  • 引入一项市政提名计划(Municipal Nominee Program),该计划将允许当地社区,商会和当地劳工委员会直接提名永久移民。至少涉及5,000个新名额。

  • (原文)Introduce a Municipal Nominee Program that willallow local communities, chambers of commerce and local labour councils to directly sponsor permanent immigrants. At least 5,000 new spaces will be dedicated for this program.


  • 使“大西洋试验计划”(Atlantic Immigration Pilot)永久化。至少涉及5,000个新名额。

  • (原文)You will also take the steps required to make the Atlantic Immigration Pilot permanent. At least 5,000 new spaces will be dedicated for this program.


  • 引入专门的难民队伍,为面临人权威胁的人权倡导者,新闻工作者和人道主义工作者提供安全的避风港,目标是每年帮助多达250人重新安置。

  • (原文)Introduce a dedicated refugee stream to provide safe haven for human rights advocates, journalists and humanitarian workers at risk, with a target of helping resettle as many as 250 people a year.

  • 提出一项计划,以取消那些已满足获得公民资格人士所需的费用。

  • (原文)Bring forward a plan to eliminate fees for citizenship for those who have fulfilled the requirements needed to obtain it.

  • 在妇女和性别平等与农村经济发展部长(Minister forWomen and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development)以及多样性与包容性与青年事务部长(Ministerof Diversity and Inclusion and Youth)的支持下,努力实施试验计划,以鼓励更多的新移民在加拿大农村定居。

  • (原文)With the support of the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development and the Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, work to implement pilot programing to encourage more newcomers to settle in rural Canada.





Marco Mendicino 其他首要的工作,请看授权书全文:
